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Friday, December 5, 2014

Bellyminator Review

I've been trying to get in shape for sometime now. I want to get some muscle, you know like be toned. So when the company offered to send me their all day ab trainer of course I said heck yes!
When the device arrived to me,I was skeptical. I had a hard time imagining that this device that came in  a small package could help improve my posture and work my abs, but little did I know I was wrong! The Bellyminator works in a simple way,by reminding you and training your mind to maintain proper posture which includes a straight back and abs pulled in. I love that I can wear the Bellyminator under my clothes where it's  unnoticeable to others. If your looking for a device to help you strengthen your core, the Bellyminator might be the device you need.

The Bellyminator provides solution to your abdominal shaping and posture issues. It is designed around training your mind to control your abs and posture by sending a precise and effective message to your brain to keep your abdominal and back muscles contracted, for as long as you need them, to develop a muscle memory. This will maintain the required shape even when you take the Bellyminator off. The product is built upon same principles as Pavlov’s Noble Prize winning Conditioned Reflex research.  

Bellyminator is a discrete device, that can be worn uner your clothes so you can use it wherever and whenever you want.  It is a great supplement to your workouts and walks.  It does not use batteries and is fully analog using simple yet very natural principles in core muscle toning.

 Visit the Bellyminator Facebook page to learn more
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.