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Monday, May 26, 2014

NETfold Gur Shomron Ebook Promotion And Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. This is a very interesting Ebook. I started  reading it and I couldn't stop!! I wish I could tell you all about it,but then I would ruin it for you :( Don't wanna do that now do I? You can click on the link below to order yours today:

Product Description
This is a science fiction book that almost became a Hollywood movie.
The book is currently sold on Amazon as an Ebook/hard cover.

Welcome to the NET - an Earth-like virtual-world, where you surf in person and every Earth hour is a full NET day. A place where you can spend long hours preparing for a test, and lose only a few Earth minutes; or, own a magnificent NET-estate, and entertain friends from all over Earth for a weekend - each of them would lose only a couple of Earth hours! But strange phenomena begin to occur in the NET: Surfers suffer memory loss; NET facilities are being attacked; and a hacker is kidnapped to a mysterious site named Hell! Will Babel, the NET security unit, realize the real danger? Can fifteen-year-old Troy Bentley and his bio-computer and best friend, Flint, save the NET?

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.